Check out First Second Books + Fierce Reads @ C2E2 2019

First Second Books and Fierce Reads will be exhibiting at C2E2 this year in Chicago, IL (March 22-24) with the following featured guests:
Box Brown: the New York Times bestselling graphic novelist behind ANDRE THE GIANT, TETRIS: THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY, and IS THIS GUY FOR REAL? His new title, CANNABIS: THE ILLEGALIZATION OF WEED IN AMERICAwill debut at the convention!
Lucy Knisley: the New York Times bestselling graphic novelist behind RELISH and SOMETHING NEW. Her new title, KID GLOVES: NINE MONTHS OF CAREFUL CHAOS, will be available at C2E2, as well.
Visit us at booth #516 to check out CANNABIS, KID GLOVES, and much more! The following authors will also be featured in our booth and in official show programming:
All authors are available for interviews at select times, please reach out to me with any inquiries!