Spooky cute Bat Scarf! Th1rte3nsCloset
Th1rte3n’s Closet is a shop where you can find items by me, Kaira Th1rte3n.
I am the inventor and creator of the BatPack a patented item. A BatPack is a shawl combined with a backpack and a stuffed animal. It can be made in any color of or style. Just contact us for more info.
I also invented and made the Bat Coin Purse which can worm on the arm and it wonderful for carrying your money and ID when your out.
I also am the creator of the Deadly Bears. I try to come up with some of the most individual Teddys and Plushies around. I promise you will NEVER find a bear like your Deadly Bear, each one is different withs its own story and death. Deadly Bears come in Dead, Undead, Vampire, Mutant, and Zombie.
You can find a full list of all the Different Deadly Bears I have made on our website www.deadlybears.com or www.th1rte3nscloset.com both web addresses take you to the same website.