The Alley – Since 1976


The Alley – Subversive Since 1976.

The legendary Alley Chicago store has become an infamous “landmark” destination for generations of counter-culture.

We are located at 2620 West Fletcher St Chicago Il, 60618.


The Alley Chicago through years of dedication and determination has become the Midwest’s premier one stop shop for bikers, punks, goths, rockers, and all other alternative lifestyles.


The Owner, Mark Thomas, often states, “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” This holds true for our core customer base and our store philosophy. Faces change, trends change, but who we are and who our core customer is will always remain the same.


We believe that fashion is a part of one’s identity and self expression. The Alley Chicago has been in business for over 4 decades. There are very few family owned stores that exist today that can say this. This is not just a lifestyle, this is our life.

The Alley Chicago