Ars Memoria GRAND OPENING (Chicago)
The grand opening of our gallery Ars Memoria
Artist’s with pieces in the show are :
George Pratt
David Stoupakis
Damien Echols
Shane Pierce
Chet Zar
Tom Bagshaw
Michael Knight
Faith Betinis
Amber Michelle Russell
Vaughn Belak
Stan Darkart
Kate Zambrano
Angelica Mendoza
Ashley Fischer
Alyson Handelman
Danielle Otrakji
Michael Popilek
Jay Ferguson
Laura Prieto-Velasco – Hvnter Gvtherer
Amy Porter
and more to come !
With special guest Arcade Brewing who will premiere the new Ars Memoria beer in honor of the opening.
Ars Memoria
1770 W Berteau Ave, # 506, Chicago, Illinois 60613