Convergence21 Bidding is ON! (ends 08/25)

From the Bidding Committee:
MONDAY AUGUST 11th Voting Period BEGINS 
Rock the vote and have a ball, that’s what this is about after all!!
Once Peter Coffin (aka:Hellsop) fires up the ballot machine 
The people decide.
MONDAY AUGUST 25th Voting Period ENDS 
When we figure everyone who’s going to vote has got around to it (or 
we’re tired of waiting) 
Voting is closed and results will be reviewed and tallied.
FRIDAY AUGUST 29th Committees notified of Results 
Flying Monkeys only move so fast 
The C*B*L notifies the Chairs of the bids of the results.
Saturday August 30 EVERYONE KNOWS! 
Check out the New Orleans C21 bid!  And the Hollywood C21 bid!
Best of luck to both cities!  Go VOTE!