Saturday, 24 June ’17: Annual Eclectic Yard Sale / Social! (Chicago)

The Darkest & Most Gothâ„¢ Yard Sale!

Annual Super Eclectic YARD SALE- Tons of Cool Stuff Super Cheap!
Saturday, 24 June 2017 – Noon – 4:30pm
450 N. Leavitt (at Grand Ave.) Chicago
(Will postpone in case of severe rain.)

Multiple sellers!
Details on items coming soon!

Most everything inexpensive- bring small bills/change!

Come say hi & buy! Come get drunk & buy our junk! (Rumor is there might be drinks & vegan snacks on hand!)

Please tell your friends! (Don’t feel obligated to RSVP here- just stop by!) Recycle & reuse- yard sales are good for the planet! Thanks, everyone!